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  • J
    Marketing and advertisers were amazing, I felt slightly cheated. Well, it is not so bad. It has a few scares but it is soooo Dragging. I almost fell asleep if it wasn't for popcorn! haha The story was okay but the thrilling scenes.... uhmmm. In my opinion, it feels like it was a bad derivative of different foreign horror/thriller films. They made the scenes longer than its derivative making it very predictable. Scenes were ghosts normally appear in 1-2 looks, this movie made it 4 or more. I found nothing new, facing the mirror scenes, dark corner, dark corridors, opening and closing door... name it, its there! but longer version...


    Eerie - Ms. Pat (Bea Alonzo) works as a guidance counselor in a conservative, all-girls, Catholic hi...
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