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  • "1917" will probably hakot awards tomorrow at the Oscars. It's just genius! I've always been a fan of intense war films at grabe siguro yung dusa nila habang ginagawa 'to. So the whole 2-hour movie was made to look like it's just done in a single take na may pagka-real time so it keeps you engaged the whole period and I've never felt so focused and immersed watching the horrors of war. Probably the most brilliant camera work and editing done in one movie, abangers talaga ako kelan nila i-cut yung sequence. Hahah! Apakasimple lang ng kwento, just stop thinking how randomly lucky the main protagonist was trying to save people. You gotta see this movie and experience movie magic from Sam Mendes! TripWires.MilkBucket.BombCraters.
    Amazing Visual Effects


    1917 - Directed, co-written and produced by Sam Mendes, it is based in part on an account told to Me...
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