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  • B
    Oh, yeah.....this was BAD. But it was also kind of good. The soundtrack isn't really one to remember (with the exception of the infamous "Memory" sung by Jennifer Hudson) and though the choreography was "interesting" at times, it wasn't half bad. I also really liked the new song "Beautiful Ghosts". But Taylor Swift sings it so much better than Francesca Hayward, no offense to her (Francesca is a fantastic dancer though). Out of all the cast, I'd say Idris Elba's performance was the best. Everyone else was okay. The movie is so bad that it's almost funny. And even though it was bad, I ended up enjoying it for the "beautiful" work of art that it is. Ending on a sour note (SPOILER WARNING): James Corden broke his ****.
    Love the Soundtrack


    Cats - Directed by Tom Hooper, it is based on the stage musical of the same name by Andrew Lloyd Web...
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