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  • L
    I still believe movie was based on True Untold Story by Jeremy Camp. it really inspires me especially when it comes to Love, you need to find it from God or you need a sign from God that the woman you met will be your future wife and a partner. not until the hardest trial has ever came without a reason. Until they fell in love, they took a marriage, and also the man was a musician from It's like musical worship from God. and they took more therapy for the woman and it was fade away. but not until after 6 months. the sickness came back and it spread to all bloodcells. until the last minute of a man's wife was truly a heartbreaking moments for me is to seeing them passed away, and then the man says to her ill-fated wife. I wasn't say goodbye to you. that was really made me tearsfully and the best film before pandemic-era.

    I Still Believe (2020)

    I Still Believe - Still Believe is an upcoming Christian biographical drama film directed by the Erw...
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