Bridgerton is an American streaming television period drama series created by Chris Van Dusen and produced by Shonda Rhimes. It is based on Julia Quinn's novels set in the competitive world of Regency era London's ton during the season, when debutantes are presented at court. It is Rhimes's first scripted Netflix series. Bridgerton debuted on Netflix on December 25, 2020. The eight-episode first season was met with positive reviews. With a viewership of 82 million households, it became the most-watched series on Netflix at the time of its premiere, and remains the second most-watched series by total watch time on the platform.[1] The series reached number one in 76 countries on Netflix. In January 2021, the series was renewed for a second season, which is set to premiere on March 25, 2022. In April 2021, creator Van Dusen revealed on Twitter that the series had additionally been renewed for a...
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