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  • "Midway" is one solid war movie. It may not be perfect but probably one of the best I've seen from recent memory, just really not sure how historically accurate this is. Hahah! Based on the poster it's a sausage fest ensemble (except for Mandy Moore with short screen time). No gory or graphic deaths and no lame or cheesy love story subplot, too! Roland Emmerich has always been known directing "destruction" movies so expect nothing less especially the last 30 minutes--wide aerial scenes, big explosions and massive fires all shot meticulously so best seen in a Dolby theatre for that audio-visual spectacle. That final sequence of the Japanese characters showing dignity and nobility will move you. SubTorpedoes.NoseDive.AnchoredDown.
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    Midway - The story of the Battle of Midway, told by the leaders and the sailors who fought it.
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